Sunday, 29 March 2015

It is time we say Goodbye


This is the time of year we don't like, the time when we have to say goodbye to some of our fabulous Design Team.

We are blessed to have some of our ladies continuing on for 2015 but  
are leaving us to either spend more time with their families or onto other adventures.
we have loved every minute of having you all on our team. You have all brought something special to our team with not only your fabulous designing but with your beautiful friendships.

Please join with us in saying goodbye for now to these lovely ladies and don't forget to keep following them on their personal blogs and you never know they might pop back for a guest spot

So while we say goodbye to you all as part of our Design Team we will continue to follow you and chat online
We wish you all the very best and hope you continue with your love of Couture Creations products

and the 
Couture Creations Team