
Altered Quiche Pan by Jowilna Nolte

Welcome to today's post with me Jowilna - I go through stages where I like to alter stuff I find around the home, at old markets and a lot of times it's stuff my mom drags from all over thinking I might be able to use it...ahh the life of a hoarder! So today I altered a quiche pan to create a little keepsake to stand on a small easel or on a shelf. I used a combination of scalloped circle dies and doily dies to create a base for my Couture Creations Devonshire Gentleman die cut.
I used a combination of paper scraps, book paper, diamante, flowers and other bits and pieces.For the little flag pole I used a colored straw with some washi tape as the flag, bakers twine and gorgeous flowers to add a nice soft touch.

The "love you" is a digi printable printed onto white cardstock.

Around the outside edge I used Couture Creations colored diamonds to create a border alternating small and medium.

Here you can see the different scalloped edges and the quiche pan edge clearly.

Step 1 - cut a large and small scalloped edged circle out of patterned papers. Ink the edges.

Step 2 - cut a Ornamental Lace die from The Treasures range [CO723314] and ink the edges.

Step 3 - Start layering the circles and doily on top of each other and adhere together.

Step 4 - layer your plain punched circle in between the die-cut circles. You can raise some of the layers using your foam tape for dimension.

Step 5 - complete your layer - adhere the layered circles inside the quiche pan using Couture Creations foam tape. Add the die-cut Devonshire Gentleman [CO723720] - I inked the Devonshire Gentleman and added a layer of dimensional glaze. ( add a layer of Glitzin' Glamour Glitter Glue to give a glittery finish)

Step 6 - The diamantes are easily positioned and adjusted using the tip of your Couture Creations Craft knife.
TIP: I like how the sharp tip of this knife blade can slide under the diamante and then be placed onto your project or re-positioned so easily.

 I hope you feel inspired to grab something a little off-beat and turn it into a beautiful something crafty using your Couture Creations dies and basic tools.
Above is a list and direct links to all the wonderful products - or visit the website for more info - and don't forget about all the wonderful inspiration on the blog.
until next time - happy cutting.... Jowilna


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