Vintage Tri-fold Card by Adriana Bolzon
#artdecocreations #couturecreationsaus #ultimatecrafts
Hi there everyone, Adriana here today on the Artdeco Creations blog with another project created with the new release collection -
Ultimate Crafts - Artdeco Creations "Rambling Rose".
Ultimate Crafts - Artdeco Creations "Rambling Rose".
This paper collection was designed by the talented Australian
Here is my project a tri-fold decor piece.
Capturing the vintage feel in the papers and adding some foiling to the outer edges by using some normal foiling sheets, tacky glue and bone scorer.

Capturing the vintage feel in the papers and adding some foiling to the outer edges by using some normal foiling sheets, tacky glue and bone scorer.
I cut three panels of the wooden panels paper from the
ULT157701 Ultimate Crafts Rambling Rose 12x12 paper pad with the
Couture Creations Vintage Sign Nesting Die C0723956
Inking the edges - these will be the back of my panels of my project.
ULT157701 Ultimate Crafts Rambling Rose 12x12 paper pad with the
Couture Creations Vintage Sign Nesting Die C0723956
Inking the edges - these will be the back of my panels of my project.
For the front panels I cut three more pieces from of the
ULT157701 Ultimate Crafts Rambling Rose 12x12 paper pad .
ULT157701 Ultimate Crafts Rambling Rose 12x12 paper pad .
Using Couture Creations 2Way Glue Pen C0724037,
and a piece of the Couture Creations Gold CO725355 Vintage matte Foil roll. I gently dabbed some glue around the edge of the papers and place the foil on top of the glued edges.
Gently rubbing the top of the foil with a bone scorer.
I love the distressed look of this technique and it is an easy way to use foiling without any heating tool.
Once all done - I attached all the three panels together with a some small piece of paper from the wooden panel paper sheet.
Front side with Matte gold foiling edges.
I then cut three panels of the wooden panels paper from the
ULT157701 Ultimate Crafts Rambling Rose 12x12 paper pad with the
Couture Creations Vintage Signe Nesting Die C0723956 , the next size down.
Inking the edges - using a Circle nesting die cut a circle out of one of the panels.
I attached them all with Foam tape underneath.
Decorating the outer panels with lace and ribbons
Also team up with the Decorative die -
I also cut the two square frame panels from the
Using the stamp set from the
Ultimate Crafts "L'Aquarelle" stampset ULT157796
Ultimate Crafts "L'Aquarelle" paper pad ULT157761
I stamped the flower from the stampset onto some of the paper pad and added some colour inside the flowers with inks, then fuzzy cute them out.
Rubbing some more Glue and golf foiling around the diecuts.
Products used
Ultimate Crafts Rambling Rose Ornate Frame ULT157738
Couture Creations Vintage Sign Nesting Die C0723956
Couture Creations Gold CO725355 Vintage matte Foil roll
Couture Creations Gold CO725355 Vintage matte Foil roll
Other Couture Creations Products
C0724037 Couture Creations 2 Way Glue Pen
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