
Spotlight on Lucy Campeanu

In February 2020 Creative Inspiration Live is coming again and we are so happy to introduce you to one of our talented creatives teaching at the event. Lucy Campeanu is coming from New South Wales with a fantastic class we know you will love, so let's learn a little bit more about her and to register

Lucy is no newcomer to the stamping and scrapbooking industry with 12 years designing and making her own stamps under the name Lucy’s Stamps. Traveling all over Australia, New Zealand and even America to teach classes in stamping and scrapbooking. Some of those designs are still being made today.
Lucy is passionate about art and teaching people to develop their own creativity. 
Paper arts became a passion when first finding a stamp store in Los Angeles in 1996 on a ‘Make a Wish’ trip to Disneyland with her daughter’s Candice and Moni. It turned out to be the perfect craft, as it was not only fun, but her girls could also join in. After contacting Print blocks with some design ideas, her stamp designing days began. Not long after that Lucy’s Stamps started. Designing stamps is a great joy, not only to create projects on your own, but to watch others create things you never imagined. Before making stamps, Lucy started the very first Stamp Camp in Australia at the Camp Quality campground at Springbrook Queensland.
There is a moment when you create something beautiful or learn a new technique that gives you a rush of satisfaction. Lucy believes creativity is good for the soul and joining together with others as often as possible to share in art activities brings back the tribe to our lives. Sharing a chat over art, whilst hands are busy, is so very powerful. Lucy is also admin of a world-wide Art Journaling and self-development group that aims to bring creativity and community back to our disconnected world. 
Lucy has spent the years after selling Lucy’s Stamps, dabbling in many mediums. Some of which are plasma cutting, painting in watercolours, oils, alcohol inks, stained glass, silversmithing and even making a sword in Glastonbury at a forge. Travel journaling and art journaling have become a passion which led back to wanting to design stamps, papers, die cuts.
Lucy enjoys taking her hand painted papers, and stamps designs from a concept to a class situation. Living in the beautiful Northern Rivers NSW with her husband Gino. Her style could be described as eclectic, as each new yummy product she finds, brings new exciting ideas and projects. Alcohol inks and stamps are a passion. Sharing a chat over art is the very best thing ever. 
There will be new designs that are sure to delight.
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