
Sampler Card by Tracey Cooley

#couturecreationsaus #ultimatecrafts

Hi Everyone 

As I am gearing up for the Brisbane Papercraft Expo on the 10th, 11th and 12th of June I have a very quick card for you all today!
On more than one occasion that one of my children has come to me the night before and friends birthday and said "Mum can make Jane  card for her birthday".
With Being a busy Mum running around to sports practices 5 days a week and trying to help out at school and having a few deadlines to meet I find myself in the predicament of have to make a very quick card for said child. Here is one I whipped up the other day on just such an occasion.

To do this simple card all you need is the sampler paper from the Magnolia Lane range.
then simply cut 3 of your favourite images

with the butterfly image I cut the wings out but left his body attached to the paper with a Couture Creations Soft Grip Craft Knife 

I then cut from another one of the images a matching flower and a small butterfly from another pattern paper within the range and placed them on my other sample for the card.

 I added some Couture Creations Glitzin Glamour to the butterfly and the center of the flower and mounted them with Couture Creations Mounting tape onto some Ultimate Crafts Cardstock. And leaving the center quote glued to the card base.

And that's it... A super quick card for one of those moments when you are just too busy. 

Hope to see you at the Brisbane Papercraft Expo in June 

If you interested in booking into one of my classes simply follow the link HERE.
There are a few spots left in the BY THE SEA DOUBLE LAYOUT CLASS
And another 5 spots have been added to Saturdays 

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