
Couture Storage by Tracey Cooley

Hi Everyone

I like many of you out there in Scrapping Land have a bit of an addiction to products and all the pretty things available, and find myself wondering where to put it (yes even in my scraproom). I do loath when my strings get into a tangled mess so I set to finding a way to keep them all nice but accessible and here is what I came up with.
These little lovelies are made from 2 small Pringles tins (cause once you pop you can use them as storage). Simply cut some Couture Creations Vintage Rose Pattern Paper to fit the size and using some Couture Creations 18mm Double Sided Tape adhere to the tin.

Then using one of the new Couture Creations  Frames and Frills Bobtail set, take the border and cut once ten slide the cardstock along to line up again and cut again. repeat until the desired length is achieved.

After attaching 2 of these borders, on to the top and one the bottom of your tin, cut a Tag from the Couture Creations Everday Essentials tag and Flourish set.
 ( I printed my label with the computer first)

add this to the front of your tin and decorate with some flowers and some of the string you intend to store in it. Then pierce a hoe into the middle of the lid of your tin with the pokey tool from the Couture Creations Hand Held Essenttials

Then cut the small round lace Die from the Bobtail frames and frills set and attached to the lid. It has a handy little hole in the die cut.. its perfect.

Then add some flowers around the hole for added decorations.. Then cut a set of Couture Creations Floating leaves and cut to separate. Along with a set of Couture Creations Every Day Essentials Edith and baby butterflies


Tuck the leaves amongst the flowers that you have embellished with, add the butterflies and give them a little sparkle with some Couture Creations Glitz n Glamour.

then add your roll of string and thread it through the top of the lid....

and voila!!!!  No more knotted mess!!

Thanks for Stopping by!


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